
In my intuitive approach, ‘being, listening, and holding space’ are really important. I believe that each person I work with already has what they need inside – and my role is to gently empower.

So, I’m incredibly appreciative of the testimonials I receive and especially proud of the wonderful souls behind them. We are each a mirror to the other – and together we grow.

“I loved taking part in the Explore, Shape & Share programme where I learned so much, like how to structure a piece of writing and some tips and tricks to help engage the reader. The small group size and the mutual respect between all participants helped to create a safe space for me to share some personal story in my writing. I really enjoyed reading other participant’s pieces every week and it was a lovely confidence boost to get some positive feedback on mine. Probably the most beneficial part of the programme for me was the ‘Creative Spotlight’ where Jo lovingly critiqued a piece I wrote and gave insightful suggestions on how it could be improved. It worked well for me that I could watch back videos whenever it suited me as I am generally busy during the day. Throughout the programme, Jo and Valerie offered unwavering support, encouragement and expertise and lots of love. I highly recommend this programme and working with Jo if you are looking for support with your writing.”

Creative Writer’s Cabin Member and Explore, Shape & Share Personal Story participant

“It was a pleasure to participate in Jo’s Explore Shape and Share Personal Story programme. Jo is enthusiastic about writing, and has a lovely way of breaking the process of writing and sharing story down into easy to understand chunks. She has a very caring and engaging approach which makes you feel safe to experiment and share your writing. Her feedback about any writing submitted to the group is given in a thoughtful, positive and constructive way. The group environment provided a safe and supportive space in which to share. I would highly recommend the Explore Shape and Share programme to anyone who is wanting to take their writing further, but is feeling a little hesitant or unsure of where to start.”

Explore, Shape & Share Personal Story participant

 “Joining the Creative Writers Cabin has given me the confidence to start blogging and sharing my writing publicly. The support and encouragement of the other members has been phenomenal but I have to say that, above all else, Jo’s knowledge and mentoring style has been transformational for me. She gives amazing critique and feedback, always with love and she is the best cheer leader of your writing, consistently making you feel like you’re making progress. I highly recommend joining the Creative Writers Cabin and working with Jo if you are looking for support with your writing.”

1:1 and Creative Writer’s Cabin member

“Jo is already such a significant part of my writing journey and I am so grateful for her knowledge, expertise, and support. I have gained so much through membership of the writer’s cabin, writing inside out course, and 1-1 sessions. I would highly recommend Jo as a coach, teacher, and mentor at any writing stage. So nurturing and positive whilst skilled in her critique. She has given me the courage to share my words “
1:1 & Creative Writer’s Cabin member
The Creative Writer’s Cabin is an empowering community lead by our fantastic mentor Jo. Jo is an amazing mentor to us all as she guides and encourages us, whilst building up our confidence with our writing. When I first joined I was very shy and as much as I loved to write, I did wonder who would be interested in my writing and my message. Through Jo’s encouragement, my confidence grew. I have also attended Jo’s fantastic Explore, Shape & Share Personal Story Programme. During the programme we were guided by Jo to share our personal stories within a safe, encouraging, and nurturing environment.
Gemma Elizabeth 
Explore, Shape & Share: Personal Story participant, and Creative Writer’s Cabin member
 “I have been working with Jo for over a year now as part of her Creative Writer’s Cabin membership. Jo is a wonderful caring, inspiring and motivating mentor who I am so grateful to have her support on my writerly journey. In the Cabin, I love how she pays personal attention to each Member, giving valuable feedback and encouragement. I really feel she has my back and that she believes in me and my writing potential. I have also had the benefit of receiving several 1:1 mentoring and writing review sessions for my book, “Mother Earth is Calling You”. Jo has provided incredible support without which I would have probably given up by now. Her support and critique is always positive and gentle and as a result, I feel so much more confident in my writing voice which now flows easily and clearly. She has also supported my magazine articles with Kindred Spirit MAGAZINE with whom I am now a regular contributor. I would not hesitate to recommend Jo as your personal writing mentor.”
Sarah Sonraya 
1:1 & Creative Writer’s Cabin member

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