Writing Inside Out

Discover the story in you

Writing Inside Out

Welcome. If you are looking for motivation and inspiration to empower the writer in you, then you are in the right place.

Writing Inside Out combines online programmes, events, and groups with walks and workshops in nature – for writers and aspiring writers to connect, create and grow.

Step on in and join the family


I’m Jo

I am a writer living in Cumbria with my fab dog Millie. She’s in charge of breaks, food & local walks, here at Writing Inside Out HQ.

Writing has the healing power to transform our inner thoughts, feelings, and emotions. And a blank page can magically dance with our own innate creativity.

But, while sharing can be a joyful liberation, I know it can also be a daunting & scary place. To show up at our most vulnerable and reveal ourselves takes courage.

So my mission is to gently encourage and empower others. Amazing souls just like you – to write inside out.


What I Offer

The Creative Writer’s Cabin Membership Group

Our nurturing virtual space is for heart and soul-led female writers (or aspiring writers) looking for facilitated medium to long-term group support.

We are a loving and empowering family – and often women on a healing or self-growth pathway feel drawn to join us. Run as a private Facebook group, we welcome writers of both fiction & non-fiction.

Explore, Shape & Share: Personal Story Programme

Our six-week programme to accelerate writerly focus and confidence within personal story.

Whether you want to write books, blogs, or articles – this is an opportunity to make practical progress in a fully supportive environment. Gain a deeper understanding of your own unique story and writing process, whilst connecting with others, and sharing the journey.

In-person Guided Walks & Workshops

Interactive, mindfully paced walks in the stunning English Lake District. These small-group events are fully guided, leaving you plenty of time to explore inwardly and enjoy a deeper connection to the ‘natural’ world.

Suitable for beginner & more experienced writers, who wish to write from the heart.

Summer 2021 Dates Coming Soon

Work One-to-One with Jo

I offer an intuitive approach to mentoring and feedback to create some deep internal shifts and outward writerly progress.

Whether you experience my longer-term Blossom package, or stand-alone sessions – working one to one can inspire confidence, increase enjoyment, and leave you feeling empowered to write more.


“I loved taking part in the Explore, Shape & Share programme where I learned so much, like how to structure a piece of writing and some tips and tricks to help engage the reader. The small group size and the mutual respect between all participants helped to create a safe space for me to share some personal story in my writing… Read more 


Creative Writer’s Cabin Member and Explore, Shape & Share Personal Story participant

“It was a pleasure to participate in Jo’s Explore Shape and Share Personal Story programme. Jo is enthusiastic about writing, and has a lovely way of breaking the process of writing and sharing story down into easy to understand chunks. She has a very caring and engaging approach which makes you feel safe to experiment and share your writing… Read more 


Explore, Shape & Share Personal Story participant

“If you are looking for expert support with tender care on your writing journey then Jo is it! I have learned so much during her groups and courses and shared my personal story within a safe space for the first time. A brilliant coach, teacher and mentor who gently guides and encourages the writer to emerge with flourish. Highly recommended by me 🙏”


Creative Writer's Cabin member and Explore, Shape & Share Personal Story participant

“You listen… deeply listen and you hear what your client hasn’t realised or heard in themselves yet… and then you present a solution or next step in such a way that it tunes into the core of your client’s deeper needs”

Lisa-Sumala Carter

Creative Writer's Cabin member and Blossom package client


Trust Your Process
Trust Your Process

My book is writing itself. By that, I don’t mean it’s easy, far from it. In fact, it can be downright frustrating – not to mention terrifying. But I am reminded, so often now, to trust my process. Not just any process but my process. Because my process is as unique to...

Let’s Step Outside
Let’s Step Outside

For many of us, writing may well be a daily practice – and journaling has certainly helped me process and reflect on experiences, thoughts and feelings over the years. It is often our personal lives which find their way into our more public writing too, but whatever...

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